
Realisable IMan

Seamless integration with any application

Configuration based data integration platform

Realisable IMan is a world-class no-code platform that puts integration in your own hands. IMan’s deep connectivity with Sage products ensures that you can integrate your operational, back- and front-end solution with confidence.

Our smart connectors span Sage ERP & Accounting; e-commerce such as Magento, Salesforce and Shopify; marketplaces such as Amazon and eBay; expenses and invoicing with Concur; or Payment Processing with PayPal or Opayo, to name but a few.

Overview Image


Seamless integration

IMan is configuration based, requiring no code—giving you full control and no need for developers, expensive reworks or changes.

IMan is configuration based, requiring no code—giving you full control and no need for developers, expensive reworks or changes.

Smart connectivity

IMan’s comprehensive support for applications and various data formats gives you the ability to integrate almost any application with your Sage system.

IMan’s comprehensive support for applications and various data formats gives you the ability to integrate almost any application with your Sage system.

Intuitive design

IMan's visual interface brings functionality normally associated with enterprise integration platforms with ease-of-use, stripping away the complexities whilst retaining functionality.

IMan's visual interface brings functionality normally associated with enterprise integration platforms with ease-of-use, stripping away the complexities whilst retaining functionality.

Data transformation

100% configurable read/write connectors for CSV, Excel, Fixed Width, JSON & Xml formats and connectivity with any ODBC database.

100% configurable read/write connectors for CSV, Excel, Fixed Width, JSON & Xml formats and connectivity with any ODBC database.


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