Salary and Supplier Payments
1 Reviews
Please lose some of the phone 'authorisations'
New to the software but am already groaning every time I need to use it. The number of Authy approvals needed is ridiculous for each transaction. I have to click on Authy to sign in, approve beneficiary, approve transaction and then to approve the approved transaction! Please reconsider it. There is less security with our bank. It's incredibly frustrating. Also, please consider having one approval for a new supplier and the transaction without separate approvals and all of the above Authy checks. I telephoned to ask whether there was an option to reduce the security checks as I am the only person dealing with the Sage payment side and the Sage Salary & Supplier side and was told no and the advice was to ask someone else to authorise them so that I didn't have to do it all! There is a lag too between authorising a supplier and it updating in Sage. I authorised a supplier a few weeks ago but today, in Sage Accounts, it was still showing as Requires Approval. Went into Sage SSP (through all the Authy checks) to find that it had already been done. I am really hoping for things to be improved as I am wondering if it is worth the hassle at the moment.
by Sharon Morgan on October 14th 2022